Accessories - for Inventory Types other than Kitted or Manufactured, compile a list by clicking into the grid to select the Inventory Items. (Use this feature for Related Items)
- Click on the Accessories tab
- Add Accessories from your inventory list by clicking +Add or clicking inot the grid to select the Inventory Items
- click (x)delete to remove the Accessory item line - Accept or Change the Description in the Grid
- Identify the Unit Quantity you want to add to the Sales Order
- When the Quantity of the main item is changed on a Sales Order it multiples the Accessories by the Amount set here.
- The quantity can be changed for any Accessory on a Sales Order
- Open Inventory details for the item selected to view or change anything
- Selected Show Inventory Dialog on order displays the Selected Options popup which allows the user to flag which Accessories will go on the Sales Order
- alternatively, they will all go onto the Sales Order, but you can make any changes to the Accessories once they load into the Sales Order.