Historical GL Transactions

Normally you can only see historical transactions that are within the last fiscal year. However, there is a way to see transactions older than that.

Step-by-step guide


  1. Click on the "Edit" menu → "Company Settings".
  2. Click on "General Ledger".
  3. Go to the "Fiscal Periods" tab → "Historical" sub-tab.
  4. Verify fiscal periods older than the last fiscal year (2017 in this example) are setup properly:

  5. If you are missing a relevant configuration here, please contact development for assistance.

Accessing Historical Records

  1. Go to the "General Ledger" module.
  2. Open the desired account.
  3. Go to the "History" tab.
  4. Double-click an entry to open the period listing appropriate for the entry's fiscal-year-end:

  5. Select a period and click "View" (or simply double-click the period) to view its transactions: