Normally you can only see historical transactions that are within the last fiscal year. However, there is a way to see transactions older than that.
Step-by-step guide
- Click on the "Edit" menu → "Company Settings".
- Click on "General Ledger".
- Go to the "Fiscal Periods" tab → "Historical" sub-tab.
- Verify fiscal periods older than the last fiscal year (2017 in this example) are setup properly:
- If you are missing a relevant configuration here, please contact development for assistance.
Accessing Historical Records
- Go to the "General Ledger" module.
- Open the desired account.
- Go to the "History" tab.
- Double-click an entry to open the period listing appropriate for the entry's fiscal-year-end:
- Select a period and click "View" (or simply double-click the period) to view its transactions: