- F1: Context Help
- F2: clear current Sales Order
- Alt-F4: close current window
- F5: Refresh the current list
- F5: Invoice the current Sales Order
- Shift-F5: Process the current Sales Order
- F6: prompt to Save and close the current Sales Order
- F7: switch between the Main tab and Sales History tab for the current Sales Order
- F9: open the browse list for the field the cursor is currently in
- F10: change Whse / Division / Location / Till
- F11: SO/PO: switch between Compact and Expanded view
- F12: log out and log back in to Spire
- Tab: move to the next field in the current record
- Shift-Tab: move back to previous field in the current record
- Enter: move to the next line in Sales Order / Purchase Order / Journal Entry
- Ctrl-P: Print Selected
- Ctrl-N: add new record in current module
- Del: delete current record
- ALT-Del: delete the current Record (if allowed)
- Ctrl-S: save current record
- Alt-S: save and close current record / post current journal entry
- Ctrl-Space: opens scan mini-window to scan item into current order using bar code scanner: Part # or UPC or Serial / Lot #
- Excape: close the currently open browse list
- Alt-S: post the journal entry
- Space: flags (checks) / unflags (unchecks) current line
- Arrows: move up / down in current list
- Home: jump to beginning of list / field
- End: jimp to end of list / field
- Page Up: move up one page in current list
- Page Down: move down one page in current list
- Right click: opens context menu for current list
- Ctrl-C: copies currently highlighted text
- Ctrl-V: pastes copied text
- Ctrl-Z: undo
- Ctrl-Y: redo
- F2: Clear order
- F3: select Customer
- F4: add/edit line item
- F5: Invoice order
- F6: open the current order in Order Entry, and F6 to switch back to POS when done
- F7: Add/edit Comment line
- F9: Inventory lookup - don't have to be in a POS line - if double-click item it will be added to order
- WINDOWS shortcut keys
- Ctrl-Backspace: clear current field except for the last word
- Ctrl-A: select all
- Clickthen Shift-Click: select From-Thru
- Ctrl-Click: select multiple individual items
- Payment Methods: Each one can have its own keyboard shortcut